Hey Gang! 29 Days Left! Woot Woot! 25 Days Until Jamaica! *moonwalks, spins, lands on toes and pelvic thrusts and body rolls* Soooo...my ramblings for today. Contrary to many of your beliefs I absolutely hate writing lol. I don't consider myself to be a writer at all. If you knew how long it took me to write these blog posts you would think I rode the short bus lol. I guess that's one of the reasons I've taken forever in writing my book. Well...in all honesty, the fear factor sets in as well. I don't see myself as some literary genius or remotely have the ability to paint a picture with my words. I just speak from my heart and keep going. There is also the fear of will people buy it and like it or will the slew of tomatoes be thrown in shame. A few things I'm learning from this experience is that writing is definitely a testament of faith. I tip my hat to those who are great at this craft called writing. I have never really been all that great with words but give me a science problem I got you all day boo boo lol. One thing I decided on in 2012 was that I was going to step out of my comfort zone. I was going to do things that I would normally be afraid to do. The number one thing on my list was writing. And believe me, I have been running away from this beast. But when God tells you to do something you better do it or He'll let it burn like fire in your soul. It will cloud your mind like the plague if you don't do it lol. This running away reminds me of Jonah. Jonah ran away from the will of God and he ended up getting swallowed by a great fish, in my case the sleepless nights from procrastination. The one great thing about God is that when He wants YOU to do something He's going to make YOU do it. He will protect you, keep you and equip you to do the task as well. Sometimes when I write and I read back over I know that it's not me writing but the Holy Spirit placing the words on my heart to type.
I remember in school, when writing papers, my teachers would always write great work but explain more or and more "meat and potatoes" I am a if I can get in one sentence to answer your essay that would be clutch type of gal. I remember despising writing in school. The on the spot essays are really what irritated me. I need time to think and 30 minutes isn't enough lol. Even when it comes to arguments I have never really been quick on my toes. I'm always the one 45 minutes later saying "dang it why didn't I say this or that" lol. Any who, I do remember my high school term paper. I wrote about Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God, which I wrote the night before it was due but that's a later blog post. Nevertheless, I got an A on the paper and my teacher was really impressed with my writing. Blah. Lol. Maybe, I beat myself up too much. If it's a passion and it's a part of God's plan, I should not allow this fear to over power God's plan. My prayer is to reach those in need, who may need encouragement or who may be lost in this sinful world. It is my hope and desire that my words not only inspire you but encourage you and do a little entertaining as well. 30 will prayerfully bring me into authorship and maybe into Oprah's book club *fist pump*
The take home message for today....
Where ever God wants you to go....GO! Whatever God wants you to do...DO! You can do it voluntarily or involuntarily and with God you don't want to do it involuntarily! TRUST ME! If God places it on your heart, let go of all fears and reservations and go for it. He wouldn't bring you to it to leave you. He will fully equip to tackle the tasks He's laid before you. Walk in faith and take on the challenge. The harvest that you will reap from obedience will more than you can handle. Taste and see that the Lord is good. All things work together for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. You never know who's life you may touch and/or even save. Moses wasn't a great speaker but he lead God's people to the promise land. I'm no writer but with God's help and guidance...we'll see where this thing goes. I'm really excited about what 30 has to offer.
Until tomorrow....be a blessing to someone who may not be able to return the favor.
Doc J
Smile... *cracks whip*.