As we are about to ring in the new year, it's time we evaluate 2012 and let some things just die! These things I'm about to list....please people let's leave it in 2012 and pretend it never happened mmmkay?!? Here we go....
Death to....
1. Skinny jeans for men: does those not hurt your man jewels? I mean come on now. Stop's not cute and then you have the audacity to sag them....*face palm*
2. Improper usage of Leggings: I love leggings like the next one but you don't cover that camel toe up or the dimples in your buttock and thigh region....look there is NOT ONE COUNTRY for this mess. Get your size, not the size you think you are. MmmKay!
3. Reality TV: I really blame Flava Flav for the destruction of all things holy in TV. He not only set black folk back 500 years but the world itself. Every reality show thereafter has been nothing but tomfoolery and coonery. And this new Shawty Lo show with the 10 baby mommas and 11 children....y'all NO! STOP THIS FOOLERY! We have to demand better quality TV. *takes deep breath*
4. Improper grammar: some folks just ignore the red squiggly lines I CLAIRE! Yes I make up my own words because I can but some of y'all really don't no any better at all. The too, to, and two struggle is real as well as the their and they're and it's and its. Piece and peace have two different meanings ya know. Lawd be an English teacher in 2013!
5. Racism: This years election showed me that not is some Americans extremely racist but also dumb as pebbles. You wouldn't believe the side eyes and the comments I received regarding this election when President Obama was clearly the best candidate for the job. And no it wasn't because he was black. Let me whisper something in your ear real folks don't just vote for folks because they are black. If that was the case, Jesse Jackson would've become president in the 80s and we all know that would not have been a good look. Contrary to some belief, we do listen to politics. Mmmkay! To this day I do not understand racism and probably never will. How could you not like someone because of skin tone or ethnicity. It's ludacris! *in my Mike Tyson voice* We are all God's children and heaven isn't segregated so you better learn to get alone mmmkay!
6. Obesity: And I'm talking to myself and my fellow Mississippians. It is time out that we are the most obese state in the union. We have gots to do better! As a health care professional I see it all and 75% of the illnesses that I see are preventable with proper diet and exercise. I must admit that I have also allowed my weight and my love for eating to take the best of me but I'm committed to getting back on track and staying there. And my beautiful black women....stop making excuses for not working out because you don't want to lose your "thickness." You can be thick and dead if you wanna! They are ways to work out to shape your body they way you want to and still remain curvy and "thick."
7. Baby momma/daddy drama: Come closer, let me whisper in your ears....YOU ARE NOT HURTING THE PARENT YOU ARE HURTING THE CHILDREN SO STOP IT! It takes 2 parents! It takes a man to teach a man to be a man and it takes a woman to teach a woman to be a woman. If you have issues with that then you should have thought about that before you laid with that person. Be careful who you chose to parent your children because that is forever sirs and ma'ams! #thatisall
8. Flooding pants: There is no reason in the year of our sweet Lord that ANYONE should be flooding. There is always a sale at JCP, WalMart, etc. Let's do better people.
9. The drag queen look: Sigh...if you are going to arch your eyebrows, please do them properly. Some of y'all look like clowns and I just can't take it anymore. I'm not a fan of make up but I know that it can be done classy, decent and in order! Your arch should no look like the McDonald's arch MmmKay!
10. Thirst: This word has to die today! It is used way to much people. Yes there are thirsty people out there but it is taken in the wrong context daily. Just because someone compliments you doesn't mean that they are thirsty. It's just a complement and be thankful that someone is complementing some of your raggedy looking behinds. STOP IT! That's why chivalry is dead because your confusion of thirst is killing it!
11. Ignorance: I always say ignorance can be fixed. Stupidity is forever! There are too many ways for you to find out information in the year of our sweet Lord. There is no reason for the grammar struggle or the misquoting of information. NONE AT ALL! Stop being lazy and use the Googles....PLEASE and THANK YOU!
12. Struggle plates: Y'all for real for real! These struggle plates have got to cease. I should not look at a picture and have decipher what is on your plate. I have seen the misuse of cheese on a waffle, frosting on bread with sprinkles and had the gall to call it a homemade pop tart, I have seen slop, and the list never ends unfortunately. If YOU can't even tell what's on your plate please don't post on Instagram because you will be copy, pasted, and roasted mmmkay?!?
13. Talentless musicians: I've spoken on this before so govern yourselves accordingly. I really want to be able to listen to the radio again....I really do!
14. Swag: Just let this word die already! #thatisall
That is all I have for now. I'm quite sure there is more but making this list just made my head hurt and I need to workout to relieve some pressure from it all. Please comment if you have things that you would like to see die in 2012. People I really don't want to see this list in 2013...I really really don't mmkay!
I hope everyone enjoys their New Year's Eve festivities! Be safe and no drunk driving! -_- May the Lord bless you until I blog again!!!! Until tomorrow....Happy and Blessed New Year!
Doc J
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