Thursday, December 27, 2012

Countdown to 30: Day 16 Procrastination

Hello, My name is Doc J and I'm a procrastinator. *room waves and says "Hi Doc J"* I have made procrastination into an art form. Literally. I am the HNIC and CEO of procrastination. I wait until the last minute for everything and I do mean E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!!!! As the old folks would say, I will probably be late for my own funeral...smh. Why am I such a chronic procrastinator you ask. I work better under pressure. Says all procrastinators all over the world. MY procrastination is a bit chronic though. I procrastinate when it comes to getting ready for work, church, outings, writing a paper, writing my blog, you name it, I'm procrastinating. It is definitely a flaw that I must work on in the upcoming new year. I've progressed in some areas of my life when it comes to procrastination but I still have a long ways to go. Part of it is just plain laziness. It's ok to have your lazy days but an idle mind is the devils playground. I have no reason as to why I procrastinate and sometimes I get upset at the work I've done because of procrastination. I've written many things and thought, "man if I'd actually started on the assignment when it was assigned to me I could have done a much more amazing job!" -_- The story of my life I tell ya. Why am I writing on this subject you ask? Because, I think it's time that I call out my flaws and face them head on. I have a tendency to make excuses for my mediocrity and that is no longer an option. No one achieves greatness by being mediocre and I know that I'm destined for greatness. All I have to really do is look at my life over the past year alone. God has taken me out of unstable situations and placed me on solid ground. It's time for me to look at the man in the mirror and make that change. *in my soft Michael Jackson voice* The great thing is that procrastination is easy to fix. Just stop doing it. Get up when the alarm clock goes off. Stick to my schedule. Plan ahead so that I can make it to my destination on time. Baby steps....

My take home message for the day....
It's really time for me to look at myself and analyze what's holding me back from greatness. Often our biggest obstacle is not other people but ourselves. OUCH. It's time out for the excuses and mediocrity. It's time for me to focus. Make some moves. Overcome adversities  fears, and insecurities. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. God made me to be the head and not the tail and it's time for me to walk into my destiny.

Until tomorrow loves....letting go of my dead weight friend procrastination....

Doc J

*leaving you with my theme songs, listen to the words*

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