Friday, August 31, 2018

My Current Struggle and the Struggle is Real

Hey Gang!

I've been fighting to write this post but here it is and here we go. So let me tell you what I've been struggling with as of weight. As a matter of fact, I've been down right fighting the air about my weight. I can't even blame it on having 2 babies...I had just stopped, dropped, and roll on the weight loss train. Well, let me back it up just a minute. My weight has always fluctuated but I've had it under control and could lose weight with ease...until I turned 30. When I turned 30, my metabolism chunked the deuces and left the building. It also didn't help that my husband was cooking cream cheese brownies, sticky buns, biscuits from scratch, and the list goes on. AND I was that active either. So when I turned 31, I decided to do something about it. And guess what happened...just guess... I became pregnant. During my pregnancy, I had gained only 20 lbs. After giving birth, the snap back was real thanks to breastfeeding. However, when I returned to work, bad habits crept back and so did the weight. I then told myself that I wasn't going to be fat for my next pregnancy and proceeded to get back to working out and making better food choices. Guess what guessed it...I become pregnant with baby #2 and I'm sick to my stomach about my weight. Sigh... This pregnancy I only gain 20 lbs and again the snap back was real and again when I returned to work, bad habits. The cycle continues...

Because of my weight, I don't like to take pictures anymore which sucks because I want my kids to have picture memories of me engaging with them when I'm long gone. I want them to be able to show their kids and their grand kids and so on. Around March of this year, I looked in the mirror and became angry. My scrubs were fitting a little too snug, I couldn't fit any of my clothes and I was still wearing my maternity clothes. I called my bestie who was killing it in weight loss and told her I was tired of being fat and asked her to be my accountability partner. So I went hard in the paint and lost 10 lbs in a month, then my grandfather passed away and all that hard work went right out the window. As much as I hate to admit it, I became depressed. My grandfather was my best friend and to not be able to talk to him again hurt. I gained all the weight that I lost weight back and was upset all over again. But this time I really wasn't that motivated to do anything about it. So my bestie allowed me to have my moment but a few weeks ago she got back on me and said that I have my family to live for and to get back on track. So after week 1 one of getting back at it, I'm happy to report that I'm down 2 lbs.

So why am I writing this? Well, losing weight for some is easy and hard for others. I just want to encourage you to stay in the fight. I want to encourage myself and stay in the fight. I have a goal to lose 8-10 lbs a month and to get back to my size 10-12. If the scale is discouraging you, throw it away! Try doing body measurements and track your progress that way. Don't let a number stop you from being your best you. Grab  an accountability partner and get it in. Start now! You can do this! I can do this! I want to live a long and healthy life and as long as I have breath it's not too late! Until next you guys!


Doc J

Saturday, August 4, 2018

I'm BAAACCCKKK...I Have A Confession...

Hey Gang!

Did you miss me?!? How have you guys been. I know, I know, it's been 4 years since my last blog post. Don't beat me up. I'll get more into why it's been so long later in the post, but let me catch you guys up on my life. Hubby and I will be celebrating 5 years of marriage in September. Since my last post, I've had 2 beautiful sons, Jeffery (JP3) and Jacob. JP3 is now 3 and Jacob is 1 and they are our heartbeats and headaches all at the same time. There is nothing that can prepare you for motherhood but I thank God for my 2 little blessings.

I have many journeys that I am embarking on in this season of my life and it is my plan to share the good, the bad, and the ugly with you all in hopes that it will inspire you to greatness and to be able to hold one another accountable to reaching our goals. It's one thing to dream but it's a totally different monster to actually do. Doing is the hard part! It all began when I read "the life changing magic of tidying up" by Marie Kondo. As I began to declutter our home, I quickly began to realize that my whole life needed work. This led to the journey of debt freedom and financial independence. I have been listening to some great podcasts that have inspired me as well as my husband to get our finances in order. And finally, I need to get me together...emotionally, spiritually, and physically. It hit me that my whole life was/is filled with clutter and I was neglecting self in the process.

So about why I haven't written in 4 years... part lazy, part exhaustion, mostly a cluttered life, and a whole lot of fear. During my first marriage, it placed on my heart to write a book. At that time, I began writing about my journey of being a stepmother. A few months after that, I was going through a divorce and life took a turn. During that time, I was talking to my minister and out of the blue, he says that my marriage is what my book is suppose to be about. I looked at him with much confusion because I never told anyone that I was writing a book. He helped me during that time to find my voice and I began writing. It was also during that time I started blogging to help keep me on task with writing. I'm old fashion, so I was writing in a journal and then I began typing the things I had written. As I started reading what I had written, a huge cloud of doubt, fear, embarrassment, etc. came over me and I brushed it to the side. So for 4 years, I've made no progress. For 4 years, I've had friends ask me about how the writing was going and with embarrassment, I would say nonexistent.

A few days ago I was listening to the His and Her Money Show Podcast (click to take a listen) and they were talking about past hurts and how those hurts can keep you paralyzed unknowingly. We often have just swept those hurts under the file folders of I'm OK, I've moved on, I've forgiven him/her, etc. That realization hit me like a ton of bricks and I became angry. I haven't been able to write the book because many of those past events were painful and for the past 6 years, I've been just filing those hurts away in the file folders. I discussed the podcast episode with my husband and he applauded my discovery. I fussed a little at him about not telling me that he saw me filing these hurts away but he felt that I had to come to the realization by myself and you  know what...he was right. *I Love he!* He then said the most profound thing me: I told him that I needed to write this book to help others and he looked and said that I needed to write the book for me. *Again I love he* He told me to remove all the expectations behind writing and just write and that if I want to publish, publish. I truly love how supportive he is and when the man is right, the man is right. So to answer your question, I am writing and it's been very therapeutic.

So in my future posts, I will share my ups, my downs, the good, the bad, the down right ugly. I will be sharing my experiences with a C- section, VBAC, breastfeeding, and much more. If you would like to join me in any of my journeys, feel free to comment below and we'll walk through this thing called life together. Thank you all for your love and support and I look forward to sharing with you!


Doc J