Wednesday, August 28, 2013

24 Days!!! Are We There Yet?

50 years ago today, Dr. Martin Luther King gave his "I Have a Dream" speech. It was one of the most monumental moments in the history of civil rights. In speech he speaks on a dream that one day we will all live in harmony and not be judged by the color of our skin but by the content of our character. I have a question. Are we there yet? Have we reach a space where the color of our skin is no longer the source of judgement? Are race relations harmonious? I believe as a country we've come a long way but we have so much further to go. Let me explain....

I have never understood racism. I don't care how much I sit down and try to wrap my mind around it, I really don't get it. It seems juvenile to not like someone because of the pigmentation of their skin. That's just my opinion but hey....Plus, how could I be racist? Look at me? Who knows what all ethnicities I'm mixed with. I only know for sure that I'm black and Native American. I have a nephew who is multiracial. *shout out to my pookie man* Again, we have come a long way. I don't think that 50 years ago that anyone would've fathom that we would have a black president. However, now that we have a black president, race seems to be a hot topic. 

It's really hard to believe that in 2013 we are still talking about race. It really baffles me.  What irritates me about the whole race issue is that now that we have a black president, it's is now time to end racism and it is the president's job to do so. *face palms and smacks hand* NO! It is not the black president's job to "fix" racism. It's the American people's job. He is only one man and can't save the world people. Also, why wasn't racism an issue during other presidencies? So again, stop looking for the president to be the "savior" of all things to be fixed.  I read this book call "How to be Black" by Baratunde Thurston that gave me life. It's a great satirical and comedic book displaying the many sterotypes that have been placed on black people. I highly suggest all races read this book. But in the book he suggests that to end racism, one day someone should declare that on this day racism has ended and that's the end of racism. I chuckled but what if it was just that easy. What if we just went on television one day and declared that on this day, August 28, 2013, racism is no more and equality for all! In a perfect world...*stares out window*

So here we I think we are there yet? I think that as a country there has been good strides but there is still a long way to go. Equality for all is still yet a myth and racial judgments are still holding strong. In my opinion I think we have a long way to go. I would like to think that racism would just die but we still have people in the world that encourage stupidity and pass it on from generation to generation. Racism isn't innate. It is bread from generation to generation. One can only hope that we would stop judging others based on their skin color but by their character. Could you imagine a world without racism? No more walking on the other side of the street when you see a black person. No more clinching your purse when I walk into an elevator. No more being followed in the store or not offering assistance in a store because of skin color. No need for affirmative action because everyone will be judged equally. No more senseless killings of our you black men. No more racial profiling. Wouldn't it be grand? But as of now, one can only dream....we still have a dream....

Until tomorrow,

Doc J 

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