I value learning, serving, peace, joy, family, traveling, salvation, and freedom. I absolutely love laughter (thank God for it!), food, music and friendships in my life. I also especially value helping others to reach their life's dreams and goals. Through my life, I want to emulate Christ's love, grace and mercy so that I may draw others to Him. I also want to be an inspiration and encouragement to others. As a scientist, mother, friend, and relative I will foster genuine love, compassion, and humility in all that I do. I will step out of the box and have no fear because God will never leave me nor forsake me, fully aware that all things I desire will be given by God in accordance to His will. I will allow God to lead me and listen carefully to what He expects of me. I will remember to enjoy the failures and smile in the face of adversity. I will choose joy and peace over sadness and confusion. I will accept every adversity as a challenge to allow God to use me for His glory. I will always keep love in my heart and prayer on my lips for all of God's creation. Failure is an option as long as I dust my shoulders off, keep my head up, take notes, review, and try again. Amen!
With love,
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