Hey gang! 7 Days!!!! YEEEAAAHHHH!! *in my T. I. voice* Dress is steamed and pressed and ready to go. All times are set and yada yada. I can't wait! Anywho...I started writing this last week and since I'm up watching the Alabama vs TX A&M game (I should be sleep by the way) I decided to go ahead and finish it.Today is all about my boo love. *stares out window* Oh how I love he let me count the ways....*twirls in glitta* Here are 10 reasons why I love boo love in no particular order.
1. He can cook! *High fives Jesus*
When I say home skillet can cook...home skillet can cook y'all. He makes the best blueberry pancakes and biscuits. LAWD. I can't really think of anything he's made that wasn't good. He puts his big toe in everything he cooks. Amen, Amen, and Amen again!
2. We can talk about anything.
I love our conversations. We talk about everything from sports to religion to politics, etc. Sometimes we talk all night till sunrise. We've never argued. We have our disagreements but we talk them through and all is well again. Our conversations are the absolute best!
3. He's my best friend!
I can honestly say that he is my best friend. We do everything together. He fits in well with my friends and their husbands. We're one big happy family. We laugh and joke on each other like the best of friends. He's my travel partner. He's just an amazing friend.
4. Tall, dark, handsome, bow-legged and nice booty! *High fives and daps Jesus*
Whenever I see him, he makes my heart skip a beat. His smile brightens my bad days. God really showed out when he made that sexy man. Yes Lawd! I always tease him about his walk. And yes I stare at his booty lol. I'm such a perv but I can't help but to admire that handsome man!
5. He supports me!
Any goal or aspiration I have, he rises to to the occasion. He's my biggest cheerleader. He's been the key motivator in my weight loss. He helps me with achieving my goals and I am forever grateful.
6. An amazing listener!
As a woman, sometimes I don't want an answer to my problem. I just want to talk it out and get things off my chest. He just listens and comforts me when necessary. He pays attention to my needs and desires and reacts accordingly. He listens even when I'm not saying anything.
7. God Fearing!
I love that he puts God first in his life. It comforts me in knowing that a man of God will be leading our household.
8. He's my personal trainer!
When I shared my weight loss struggles with him, he started working out with me. I told him how I want to build muscle and strengthen my weak areas and he developed workouts just for that for me. Yes, he's tough on me while we work out but I know it's out of love. He developed this interval training circuit for me so tough that I wanted to punch him for it lol. He also changed the way he cooks to be clean and healthy. I love he for that.
9. Did I mention he can cook! *High fives Jesus again and sings a hymn*
Just had to mention that again lol. *rocks back and forth and waves hand*
10. He adores me!!
The way he looks at me makes me blush. He gives the best hugs and kisses. When I fall asleep in his arms, he whispers in my ear that I look like an angel. He tells me everyday how beautiful I am to him. He always finds a way to make me blush. He thinks I'm the best thing since slice bread and it's refreshing.
Y'all I love that man. I can wait to his mulatto babies. I can't wait to travel the world with him. I can't wait walk together in life as husband and wife. To my boo love, Jeffery Parker II I love you. I'm so thankful for you and couldn't imagine a more perfect mate for me. I can't wait to see your smile when I walk down the aisle to become your wife. It's my prayer that we never stop loving each other, to always put God first, never stop dating one another and to always remember why we fell with one another. I love you and 7 more days babaaaayyyy!!!
Too excited,
Doc J